Monday, February 1, 2010

Dont You Think People Put To much Praise on Lil Wayne and Autotune?

Dont You Think People Put To much Praise on Lil Wayne and Autotune?
I like Lil Wayne But People Go over bored saying he is the best Rapper alive Thats their opinon But he is not all that its like people are brainwashed you cant tell them nothing bad or it turns into an argument and what is with this Autotune tooo much dont you think


  1. Never thought much of Lil Wayne and neevr will. I dont care much for his music

  2. NO NO AND NO!!!!!!!! Source(s): I KNOW ABOUT LIL WAYNE

  3. lil wayne best rapper, no that title should be for heavy weights like 2pac or Biggie, they had eloquence, rhyming I COULD ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY WERE SAYING lol.Lil Wayne alright but the best Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeee

  4. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Lil wayne auto tunes his voice wayyyy too much. i think he should make more songs without auto tune.
