Monday, February 1, 2010

Who's the worst rapper Soulji Boy or Lil Wayne?

Who's the worst rapper Soulji Boy or Lil Wayne?
Why do so many brain dead teeny bopper kids think Lil Wayne is the greatest rapper alive.When he can't even rap i think hes worst then Soulji Boy.
lil wayne bald


  1. cuz he has cool lyrics, he go hard on his tracks

  2. Lil Wayne... that's right.

  3. how can u compare wayne and soulja boywayne is a hip hop legend soulja boy can barely be called hip hop

  4. I think that Soulja Boy is the worst rapper between the two. Some of Lil Wayne's old music is good, he had some good songs with Hot Boys. All of Soulja Boy's songs sound the same.

  5. He ain't nowhere as bad as Souljah Boy if you think he can't rap then you never heard his older stuff..... check this out he's a lyrical beast when he wants to be… He cant rap??????? let me see you do that!

  6. Damn, this one's tough. Really tough. They both take sucking to a whole new level, but there are at least 2 or 3 Wayne songs I can stand. Plus, he was one of my favorite rappers in 1998 or so--even if GDK wrote his stuff--so I gotta say worst rapper Soulja Boy. Source(s): fan of hip-hop 20+ years now

  7. Soulja Boy >Lil Wayne in sucking I don't listen to soulja boy but I can tell you why Wayne is a true rapper.. He doesn't Write.. He does what his idol does Jayz.. He says this on his behind the scenes VH1 interview.. And if you think Jayz is bad then you have something wrong with you.. JayZ even notices his talent he calls him on the phone after the Carter 2 to tell Wayne "I See You"..

  8. I sense a venting question.anyway though I would say Weezy is better then "Soulja" Boy. at least some of his tracks have meaning; he's just not all that great of a lyricist IMO."Why do so many brain dead teeny bopper kids think Lil Wayne is the greatest rapper alive"Because they only listen for something they can dance to and a music video they can watch that registers in their minds as cool that they can try to imitate in hopes that it will make them cool too. i've also heard that it's because he (something to the effect of) "looks like a rapper."

  9. yeah there both as bad as each other.
