Monday, February 1, 2010

Who is the Better Rapper Lil Wayne or Marky Mark?

Who is the Better Rapper Lil Wayne or Marky Mark?
Just want to be funny Bcause Lil wayne is obviously NOT the best Rapper alive?And besides i think Marky Mark is soooooooo much of a better rapper!!!


  1. Obviously it's marky mark I mean come on look at how many movies his been in lately compared to lil wayne..... Besides lil Wayne is the biggest skank ever

  2. lil wayne is da best rapper alive and everybody should know that! Source(s): lil wayne is da best!

  3. I have a hometown biased against Lil Wayne and all New Orleans rap.Marky Mark is much sexier though, hell he's actually sexy.

  4. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters thay both suk,rap suks
