Monday, February 1, 2010

what is the best lil wayne mixtape site?

What is the best lil wayne mixtape site?
i want to know what the best site to get all lil wayne mixtapes. i already got an account in datpiff but im just wondering if there is any other site that has more of a bigger lil wayne mixtape archive.


  1. the one that releases bad mixtapes

  2. my favorite is got all new singles mixtapes everything all hip hop and r&b but every new wayne song

  3. -Well I only go to datpiff cuz that the only one that have the latest mix tapes for lil wayne or any other artist...any who, datpiff is the only 1 that has the latest mix tape that I know of. -Oh try (that's the next one i know)

  4. Please for the love of Rap STOP downloading and giving those crappy mixtape Dj's popularity. They are what is ruining hip hop. Any Jackass can take Wayne lyrics and mix them with another rapper on someone elses beat.....Non of the Crap on is exclusive and none if it is worth it.....If you want good rap listen so 20% of the mainstream and some underground.

  5. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters who cares about lil wayne his music sucks >.>
