Monday, February 1, 2010

Do you think Lil Wayne is a stuck up rapper?

Do you think Lil Wayne is a stuck up rapper?
Im like a big fan of Lil Wayne, but it seems like hes being so cocky and arrogant, like last time my cousin went to one of his concerts, and he cancelled it but kept all the fans money, and Im also noticing he is saying alot of ignorant things, and im starting to think Lil wayne doesnt give 2 shits about his fans but their money.. But anyway what do you think about this situation?


  1. i don't like him.(period)end of story

  2. definately, i dont even see what's so great about him

  3. ummm i dont think he's arrogant nor stuck up....and thats wat happens in a lot of concerts not just lil does that make other artist stuck up and arrogant too??

  4. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Yes he is very stuck up. I think he could have potential but his voice is so weird and he is stuck up. That's why he is in jail. Also, all of his music is about like drugs and alcohol and stuff. For example, Down. It is like a love song then the first thing he says is baby get down for me which is just saying give me a ********. It is a great song until that. He definitely needs to clean up his act.
