Monday, February 1, 2010

Is any other girl offended by lil wayne?

Is any other girl offended by lil wayne?
I swear whenever I hear what lil wayne says I'm so embarrassed around my guy friends. I think lil wayne's lyrics is so disgusting and offensive to women. I also hate how girls act like its not big deal when i think it is. Am i just overreacting and does anyone agree with me?


  1. ... but...I like Lil Wayne...:(Sad Face.

  2. rap is pretty gross, i was listening to kanye today, well it was on in my friends car, and all he can talk about is how he's gonna stick his dick somewhere.....what a loser...

  3. I think all rap music is very disgusting, its very disrespectful, especially to girls. Lil Wayne is probably the worst.:/

  4. lil wayne is offensive to his race, to women, to everyone period.did you see my answer?

  5. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Yeah, some of the things he says I find to be really insulating and disgusting. He obviously dosen't care though.
