Monday, February 1, 2010

Do you think if lil wayne didnt have so much hype he would not get as much hate?

Do you think if lil wayne didnt have so much hype he would not get as much hate?
Even though lil wayne sucks ball i wonder if he would of of got as much hate as he does know if people didnt call him the greatest and he never said he was.


  1. Do you want to get your a** reported again Jack Kane?

  2. No. it doesn't matter cause he still sucks.

  3. Ummm he would be like Gucci Mane.

  4. If I see one more Lil Wayne question I'm calling a suicide hot line.Isn't there any more rappers besides him.

  5. He's GENERIC, He's GARBAGE, He's just making KIDDIE POP for FOLLOWERS!!!!!

  6. Obviously, the more popular a rapper is the more hate they're gonna get due to over-exposure. It's not rocket science.

  7. No. The reason that I dislike him is because his constant radio play has convinced every casual hip hop fan that he is the greatest alive. Source(s): .... and Lil Wayne can eat a d**k.VVVVVV What does the fact that "he's getting money" prove other than he is marketable to teens? Revenue doesnt equal skill my friend, nor is it an excuse for mediocracy.

  8. No. Half the reason people hate Wayne is because his fans, usually the epitome of ignorant, won't shut the fu*k up about him.the reason people don't hate Vanilla Ice as much is because he has no fans@Candleguy:…

  9. everyone on this site spends their entire day hating on lil wayne.people have their opinions. lil wayne gets love & he gets hate. you don't have to like him, but he's making millions more than you will ever see in your lifetime. if you think he's selling out, then deal with it. he's making the so sick of every other question being about how terrible lil wayne is. get over yourself.

  10. lil wayne will suck balls, with or without his popularity
